‘Cousin Eddie’ Display In Kentucky Leads To Bizarre 911 Call


SHEPHERDSVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A “Cousin Eddie” display in Kentucky apparently looked a little too real and police were called to check it out.After receiving the call, a dispatcher described the scene to responding officers as “a male standing outside. He is naked. He has a robe covering part of his body. He is exposing himself, and he has a hose between his legs.”Advertisement Officers arrived at the Shepherdsville home to find a mannequin in the yard that looked like Cousin Eddie from “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” It was decorated with a robe, a hat, a cigar and a beer and was holding what appeared to be an orange hose, WDRB-TV reported.Homeowner Joni Keeney said she decided to put up the display from her favorite Christmas movie to have some fun.“Everybody has a ‘Cousin Eddie,’ in their family, everybody,” Keeney said. “I just want people to have a good Christmas and get a laugh,” Keeney said.Responding officers did get a laugh and took some photos of the display, WDRB reported.“Never a dull moment,” Shepherdsville Police Chief Rick McCubbin said.A 'Cousin Eddie' Christmas display in the Dogwood subdivision of Shepherdsville, Ky. looked a little too real and police were called to check it out. Officers arrived to find a mannequin decorated like the character from “National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." (WDRB via AP)via Associated Press

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