300 Skiing Santas, A Grinch And A Tree Hit The Slopes For Maine Charity


var label_6397561fe4b019c696246d61 = "ctx-wait-6397561fe4b019c696246d61"; var defer_6397561fe4b019c696246d61 = document.currentScript; console.time(label_6397561fe4b019c696246d61); window.waitForGlobal( () => window.HP && window.HP.params && window.HP.params.clientUUID && window.localStorage && defer_6397561fe4b019c696246d61 && defer_6397561fe4b019c696246d61.parentElement.dataset.ready === "true", () => { console.timeEnd(label_6397561fe4b019c696246d61); Skiers dressed in Santa Claus outfits hit the slopes for charity at the Sunday River Ski Resort, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022, in Newry, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)via Associated PressIt wasn’t exactly a winter wonderland — there was little natural snow. The snow-making machines at Sunday River produced enough of the fluffy stuff for the annual tradition. Santa Sunday has grown in popularity over more than two decades, raising $7,500 this year for a local charity.Skiers dressed in Santa (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)via Associated Press

Santa Claus SchoolSee Gallery

  • 2022-12-13
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