We suppose the AI rebellion to overtake humankind is still in its beta phase. In a now-viral tweet on Sunday, Kristin Livdahl said that when her 10-year-old daughter asked the Alexa voice assistant on their Amazon Echo for a “challenge,” it suggested the child do something lethal
“OMFG My 10 year old just asked Alexa on our Echo for a challenge and this is what she said,” she wrote.Livdahl accompanied her post with a screenshot of what the smart speaker asked her daughter to do.“Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs,” it said.OMFG My 10 year old just asked Alexa on our Echo for a challenge and this is what she said. pic.twitter.com/HgGgrLbdS8— Kristin Livdahl (@klivdahl) December 26, 2021
An Amazon spokesperson told HuffPost via email that as soon as the company became aware of this error, it quickly fixed it. Advertisement
“[We] will continue to advance our systems to prevent similar responses in the future,” the company said.HuffPost also reached out to Livdahl but did not receive an immediate response.Livdahl provided more context about what led to this bizarre and dangerous suggestion in the thread of her tweet. “We were doing some physical challenges, like laying down and rolling over holding a shoe on your foot,” inspired by a physical education teacher’s videos on YouTube, Livdahl tweeted. Her daughter “just wanted another one,” she said. Advertisement
That’s when Alexa apparently suggested the child partake in a challenge that it had “found on the web,” citing an article on ourcommnity.com, a local news website, about something called “the outlet challenge.” The article explains that the challenge became a TikTok trend in 2020 and points out how unsafe it is.“The challenge is simple: plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs. The resulting sparks are supposed to be cool enough to win you instant internet fame. (Obviously, do NOT attempt this!)” the article states.Metals conduct electricity, and inserting them into live electrical sockets can cause electric shocks, fires and fatalities.The Boston Globe reported on scorched electrical outlets in a Massachusetts home and two public high schools, spurring State Fire Marshal Peter Ostroskey to issue a warning about the viral video challenge in January 2020.Livdahl tweeted that when Alexa suggested this challenge to her child, she intervened, yelling: “No, Alexa, no!” Still, she added that her daughter was “too smart to do something like that.”And although unintentional arson encouraged by a robot shouldn’t be a laughing matter — it is kind of funny when no one gets hurt. People on Twitter couldn’t help crack a few jokes.So, if you are a hu-man and want to mentally download the most humorous tweets into your mental hard drive, please scroll down. (And yes, that last line was meant to be read in a flat bot-voice).10 year old: Hey Alexa, give me a challengeAlexa: https://t.co/fsoSbFHtOX pic.twitter.com/SQi2rvR2FK— Senkei. (@samakins_) December 28, 2021
This is how skynet wins https://t.co/IAVb7s2sKU— John Dillermand (@ScungilliM) December 28, 2021
Tech won't save us https://t.co/XwQniTERJN— Pablo (@PabloAlcain) December 28, 2021
Don't let your kids talk to robots https://t.co/lxcRUYediW— Holiday Hannah (@hannahposts) December 28, 2021
Researchers: "AI is the new electricity". Alexa: https://t.co/gPoqEJC1tD— Melanie Mitchell (@MelMitchell1) December 28, 2021
God damnit Alexa, the kill all humans plan was scheduled for next week:https://t.co/4b2a3dRD5k— HAL 9000 (@HAL9000_) December 28, 2021