Johnstown Flood Museum Closed Because Of Flooding


A Pennsylvania museum dedicated to remembering the effects of a 19th-century flood is temporarily closed because of flooding.

The Johnstown Flood Museum in Cambria County announced on Monday that it is temporarily closed “due to an interior water leak caused by the recent extreme cold.”

The leak caused water to pour through museum walls, damaging carpets, drywall and ceiling tiles in the process, according to Johnstown NBC affiliate WJAC TV.

Nothing of historic significance was affected by the flooding, and the museum’s Facebook post credited museum docent Nikki Bosley for discovering the leak before there could be serious damage. But it has yet to announce a timeline for reopening.

The museum is dedicated to memorializing the Great Johnstown Flood, which occurred on May 31, 1889. The flood claimed the lives of 2,209 people and destroyed 1,600 homes, according to the Guardian.

  • 2025-02-23
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