Man With Gun Forehead Tattoo Charged With Illegally Possessing Firearm


If gun tattoos are outlawed, then only outlaws will have gun tattoos?

A South Carolina man barred from possessing firearms because of his criminal record was arrested over the weekend and charged with ― you guessed it, weapons possession.

After 24-year-old Michael Vines slammed a Toyota Camry into a power pole on Saturday night, firefighters saw him toss a handgun into the grass, Greenville police reported, according to The Smoking Gun.

Authorities charged Vines with driving under a suspended license, driving too fast for conditions and unlawful carrying of a firearm, according to WYFF-TV.

The handgun police accused Vines of carrying was a fully loaded Smith & Wesson .38-caliber revolver. Vines is prohibited from owning a gun because of a rap sheet that includes multiple narcotics convictions.

Vines isn’t shy about his fondness for guns. He has a tattoo of a handgun prominently displayed on his forehead.

Greenville police made a subtle reference to Vines’ display of ink in a Facebook post, noting that “the real weapon was placed in property and evidence.”

  • 2018-06-21
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