Massive Penis Is Mowed Into Lawn At King Charles Coronation Party Venue


Brits are keeping more than a stiff upper lip at a party site for King Charlescoronation.

Pranksters mowed a giant erect penis into the hallowed lawn of Royal Crescent in Bath, where a major celebration is planned, according to outlets.

See the grass-fed family jewels here and here.

The 30-foot spectacle was apparent to locals on Thursday morning, two days ahead of the big day, SomersetLive reported. They must have quickly realized it was not a likeness of Charles’ scepter.

A Georgian-themed “grand coronation party” is scheduled at Royal Crescent to celebrate Charles’ ceremony in London’s Westminster Abbey, SWNS reported. Picnics and impromptu gatherings are also expected in the area, and around the country.

“Celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Georgian era. Decorate your own regal crown, watch demonstrations on royal fashion and visit the Georgian Cook cooking up delicious recipes in the kitchen,’’ a flyer said of the party, per the Mirror.

Looks like cock is already being served.

  • 2023-05-10
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