New Orleans Man Accused Of Bomb Threat Insists He Just Had To Poop Really Bad


As jokes go, this one was really crappy. You might even say it bombed.

A New Orleans man accused of threatening to blow up a local restaurant last Tuesday told police it’s all a big misunderstanding and he was referring to a bowel movement.

According to an arrest warrant obtained by, 30-year-old Arthur Posey walked into Willie’s Chicken Shack and asked an employee what time the restaurant closed.

When the employee told Posey she didn’t know, he allegedly replied, “Y’all about to close right now because I’m going to get a bomb and blow this place up.”

Restaurant employees told police that Posey was very angry during the discussion. He later told police that he was referring to the restroom and wasn’t making any real threats, according to WGNO.

The employees also said he never mentioned the bathroom when he made his alleged threat.

Posey faces two counts of communicating false information of planned arson. He will also need to appear in court for a competency hearing, according to Fox News.

  • 2018-11-20
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