New Vibrator Can Reportedly Order Pizza For You After You Orgasm


An adult entertainment company has come out with a new sex toy that’s really saucy: a vibrator that orders pizza after your orgasm.

On Thursday morning, adult entertainment company CamSoda introduced the “RubGrub,” an interactive vibrator that orders food after you’re done using it for its original purpose.

According to a press release, this diddle-and-dine device comes with an internet-connected button on one end that’s similar to the button on the Amazon Dash Wand.

Once a person programs their payment, delivery and order information, the RubGrub connects to your local pizza place through its application programming interface, or API, which is how two pieces of software communicate with each other. So, whenever a person is done pleasuring themselves, they can order a pizza just by pushing a button. 

The vibrator will only be connected to Domino’s at first, but CamSoda Vice President Daryn Parker predicts other national chains will jump on his product once they sense the buzz. 

Domino’s may be a little touchy about being connected to a sex toy ― a company spokesperson told HuffPost the chain knows nothing about the RubGrub ― but the device is able to order pizza from the chain because its API is public, Parker explained.

The RubGrub solves a problem few realized existed, he added.

“Masturbation, while ultimately enjoyable, can be a strenuous physical activity during which an individual exerts a lot of energy and burns many calories. Inevitably, once someone has climaxed, they feel lethargic and hungry,” Parker said in the press release. “Now, in order to enjoy your Saturday night, all you need is your RubGrub device. Get off and get stuffed, all with the quick click of a button.”

Pizza Hut tried to do something similar (but less sexual) last year when it created a pair of basketball shoes called “Pie Tops” that allowed a person to order pizza by pressing a button on the tongue of one shoe.

The RubGrub is currently in the final stages of development. Parker expects it will be available for purchase in a few months for $19.95.

  • 2018-05-18
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