New York Wants People To Show ID For This Pumpkin Pie Staple


var label_6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50 = "ctx-wait-6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50"; var defer_6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50 = document.currentScript; console.time(label_6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50); window.waitForGlobal( () => window.HP && window.HP.params && window.HP.params.clientUUID && window.localStorage && defer_6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50 && defer_6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50.parentElement.dataset.ready === "true", () => { console.timeEnd(label_6309b6a0e4b063d5e61bad50); So why is this pumpkin pie accessory joining the company of liquor and beer?The change was spurred by the popularity of “whippets” — a type of recreational drug use that involves breathing in nitrous oxide gas stored in the canisters.The cans’ accessibility on shelves has helped put whippets among the top 10 most abused drugs globally.Highs from whippets have led to impaired judgment, heart failure and seizures, and an overdose could cause hallucinations, according to the nonprofit Arch Academy.The state law limiting sales of whipped cream chargers — which use nitrous oxide to push the dessert topping out of the can — was signed in November

And enforcement of the law has recently stepped up, the Times Union reported.“Sadly, young people buy and inhale this gas to get ‘high’ because they mistakenly believe it is a ‘safe’ substance,” state Sen. Joseph Addabbo, a Democrat representing the 15th District, said in a statement to the outlet.“This law will eliminate easy access to this dangerous substance for our youth.”Related...Jared Kushner Stays In Shape In Preparation To 'Live Forever'Ex-Trump Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany Has Weird New Take On Hillary ClintonDr. Oz's Old Poop Tweets Come Back To Haunt His Senate Campaign

  • 2022-08-28
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