News Anchor Has To Wing It When Pink Bird Flies On Her Head


TV news is really for the birds sometimes.

Just ask Nichelle Medina, who co-hosts the morning news on San Diego station KFMB.

On Friday, Medina was doing a tease for an upcoming segment with the San Diego Zoo Safari Park when one of the guests literally flew in for a cameo right on cue, according to Inside Edition.

The unexpected guest was “Sophie,” a 10-year-old scarlet Ibis who flew in when Medina said: “Good for weeding your garden of bugs.”

When the bird landed on her noggin, she immediately winged this line: “Or flying onto my head.”

Medina’s co-anchor, Eric Kahnert, was impressed by the bird’s impeccable timing.

“How’s that for an introduction?” he asked.

Sophie managed to be removed from Medina’s head before it could build a nest.

For her part, the anchorwoman tried to see the positives from her impromptu Ibis interaction by pointing out it was a nice scalp massage.

“I needed that,” she quipped.

The video has started to go viral, something that Kahnert thought was ironic. 

  • 2018-05-18
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