Police Find 82 Grams Of Drugs In Wisconsin Woman's Vagina


A Wisconsin woman is facing felony drug charges after police said they found about 82 grams of drugs in her vagina.

Desiree Webster, 20, was arrested June 25 in Shawano after police pulled over the 1997 Monte Carlo she was driving. 

Her companion, 39-year-old Jaral McCollum, a convicted drug dealer, was also in the car, according to The Smoking Gun.

Officers pulled over the car after getting a tip that McCollum might be selling heroin, cocaine, marijuana, meth and other drugs.

Police said McCollum’s M.O. was to travel with a woman who would slip the drugs into her vagina if police stopped them.

A police dog showed particular interest in the driver’s seat, where Webster had been sitting at the time of the stop, according to local station WBAY-TV.

After a corrections officer performed a strip search on Webster, she suggested there was something hidden in her vagina.

A CT scan of Webster’s pelvic area taken at a hospital showed something that looked like a plastic bag that was about the size of a human fist.

Emergency room doctor Ryan Murphy told the station it’s not uncommon for drug dealers to smuggle contraband inside various orifices.

“It’s common that you would see them inside of condoms, inside of bags, inside of Saran wrap. People try to get creative, and they try to pack as much as they can into a very small container, and it’s very common to actually see these containers or transport devices rupture,” Murphy said. 

Officers said they found nearly 82 grams of drugs inside Webster. 

Here’s the breakdown:

36.67 grams of cocaine 14.72 grams of meth 27.80 grams of synthetic weed Six MDMA (Ecstasy) pills 1.26 grams of marijuana

Murphy said that if the bag had ruptured while inside Webster, she would have likely died.

“With the cocaine you’re going to be in this like excited delirium state and the hearts going to be going really fast, and they’ll be running a high fever and you know the body will kind of shut down from that and you’ll die,” Murphy said.

Webster was charged with six felony drug counts, including two counts of THC possession, possession with intent to deliver cocaine and possession with intent to deliver meth. She was also charged with eight counts of felony bail jumping stemming from an earlier felony case that remains pending.

McCollum was charged with four felony counts, including possession with intent to deliver cocaine, possession with intent to deliver meth and possession with intent to deliver synthetic cannabinoids.

  • 2018-07-10
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