Police have released a sketch of an antlered suspect wanted in connection with a burglary at a New Hampshire school.“WANTED: the reindeer burglar(s),” the Barnstead Police Department wrote Sunday on Facebook, in a slight flight of fancy on the local hoofed ruminants. “We are investigating a burglary at the Barnstead Elementary School reported to BPD at 12:20pm today.”Advertisement
Police said they responded to a report of a broken window at the school and were surprised to discover a 10-point buck inside the school lobby.Officers called for backup, and firefighters arrived to help capture the hefty interloper. “As emergency personnel gained entry the suspect escaped as he crashed through a second window and was last seen running down Maple street,” police said.An officer pursued the suspect, but the four-legged perp was apparently too swift. “In the distance a voice could be heard yelling “On Dancer!!!” and in the blink of an eye the suspect was gone,” police said
Officers found a five-point deer antler at the scene of the crime and quipped that they would be sending it to a crime lab to check for DNA. “Police believe that the Buck is part of an organized crime group breaking into buildings in New Hampshire,” according to the post. Another deer evaded police over the weekend in the New Hampshire town of Goffstown. A buck broke into an auto repair shop and got stuck inside but reportedly managed to get away as police arrived. “Barnstead Police will be working with the Goffstown police and other law enforcement agencies to try to match hoof prints, surveillance and booking photos to see if this is the same suspect from the Goffstown burglary or another member of this organized crime group,” police advised. Related...Nutty Squirrel Leaves 42 Gallons Of Nuts In Man's Chevy AvalancheBurglar Chipmunk Wanted By Police In New HampshireTikToker Soundtracks Mom’s Life With Trombone, And It’s Hilariously Wholesome