Sheriff Uses Cardboard Deputies To Fight Crime


The stiff arm of the law is taking on a whole new meaning in Texas.

According to Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody, he’s pairing deputies with cardboard cutouts of officers to deter motorists from speeding.

The sheriff tweeted a video this week showing one of the faux deputies pointing a radar gun at oncoming traffic.

“It’s a creative way to solve a problem without really working the problem,” Chody told Austin’s KTBC-TV. “When you’re going 20, 30 miles per hour and you see the silhouette you’re immediately braking slowing down.”

While the cardboard deputies won’t be filling any quotas, they do appear to be deterring speeders. Chody told KTBC-TV he recently tested them in school zones with real deputies stationed nearby.

“We didn’t get one speeder; all these people were braking before they got to the cutout or as they were approaching the cutout,” he said.

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  • 2019-01-12
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