World Champion Says Rubik’s Cube And Violin Go Hand In Hand


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Factoring in the time it takes for him to review the cube before placing the blindfold over his eyes, Chapel can solve one in around 17 seconds.“The deeper I go into the realm of cubing technique, the more I find interest in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible there,” he said.Chapel has certain inherent abilities: He is capable of remembering and applying thousands of algorithms to solve a Rubik’s Cube and performing one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s violin sonatas from memory.But he also spends hours upon hours honing his craft, including doing regular hand stretches that help Chapel avoid the kinds of aches and pains that come with the frequent and frenetic turning of the cube’s sides.Chapel says years of playing the violin also has contributed to him having “very, very fine motor control already built up.”Advertisement Later this year, Chapel intends to defend his world titles in South Korea. Since the 2021 event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chapel is the reigning champion in both heading into the 2023 event in Seoul.Once he’s done with school, though, Chapel isn’t sure how speedcubing fits into his future plans.“I guess it’s cool to know that nobody is able to do this,” he said. “But, at the same time, giving myself a little bit of a reality check, it’s like, ‘How much does that actually matter?’”“It’s not going to pay the bills when I’m older,” Chapel said, laughing.

World's Largest Rubik's Cube MuralSee Gallery

  • 2023-01-28
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