World's Oldest Living Married Couple Is A Combined Age Of 208


A world-class love story has now become a world record.

Guinness World Records has just declared a Japanese couple as its oldest living married couple.

Masao Matsumoto, 108, and his 101-year-old blushing bride, Miyako Sonoda, got hitched Oct. 20, 1937, nearly 81 years ago.

Their combined age as of July 25, the day they were visited by Guinness World Records, is a whopping 208 years and 259 days.

The couple now have five daughters, ranging in ages from 77 to 66, and 13 grandchildren. Their 25th great-grandchild is expected some time this month.

Although the couple is currently the world’s oldest, they have a little more time before they hold the title for the oldest couple ever.

That honor goes to Norwegians Karl and Gudrun Dolven, who had a combined age of 210 years and 65 days when Gudrun passed away in April 2004.

  • 2018-08-09
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