Phillie Phanatic Shoots Baseball Fan In the Eye With Hot Dog


She might have gotten a bruising at the ballpark, but Philadelphia Phillies fan Kathy McVay is still true, even if she’s black and blue.

McVay has a black eye after being hit Monday night when her team’s mascot, the Phillie Phanatic, shot a frankfurter out of a hot dog-shaped cannon into the stands above home plate.

Sadly, McVay’s attempt to catch the flying wiener didn’t work, an error she blames on a shoulder injury that requires surgery.

“It came down with such force, like a ton of bricks,” she told “Inside Edition.” “My glasses flew off, and I started bleeding.”

McVay ended up in a hospital emergency room that night, where a scan confirmed she didn’t have a concussion.

But she does have one major league shiner on her right eye.

“Mostly, it’s going to get worse before it gets better,” she told WPVI-TV. “It’s going to go down the side of my face.” 

McVay is trying to keep up her spirits despite the injury.

“At least it’s funny,” McVay told NBC Philadelphia. “It’s a story I can tell people. My only thing is just to warn people just to be careful.”

The Phillies apologized to McVay on Tuesday and offered her tickets to a future game. Luckily, her hot dog hematoma didn’t scare her off the offer. 

“I love the Phillies. I would definitely go. I just have a story to tell,” she told the station.

However, McVay admits that next time she plans to sit in the nosebleed section.

  • 2018-06-22
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